Why is high-density sponge foam considered of superior quality?

high density foam for sofa

Within the industry, sponge foam is typically classified according to its density. In the market, you can commonly find two primary categories of sponge foam: high-density sponge foam and regular sponge foam. These two types are easily distinguishable by their appearance and texture.

High-density sponge foam exhibit qualities such as excellent elasticity, uniform thickness, light weight, and consistent quality. Density is measured in KG/M3, representing the weight of the sponge foam per cubic meter. A piece of sponge foam with a density equal to or greater than 45 is considered high-density, while densities between 45 and 18 fall into the medium-density category, and those below 18 are considered low-density. However, due to technological advancements, weight alone is no longer the sole reliable criterion.

The quality of a sponge foam primarily hinges on two key factors: high density and rebound resilience:

The elasticity of high-density sponge foam directly affects its comfort. Sofas constructed with high-rebound sponge foam offers substantial elasticity and excellent rebound resilience. This provides superior body support and a comfortable experience when sitting or lying on them. In contrast, lower-quality sponge foam tends to lack rebound, resulting in hardness and discomfort over time.

High-quality high-rebound sponge foam possess outstanding rebound resilience, quick recovery, and increased durability. In contrast, lower-quality sponge foam may suffer from sagging issues after just one or two years of use, leading to a shorter lifespan. High-density sponge foam also offer exceptional breathability, minimal relaxation loss, a high compression load ratio, and good flame resistance. They demonstrate better performance in terms of thermal aging, resistance to moisture-induced aging, and dynamic fatigue.

Picture of Sally Zhang

Sally Zhang

CEO of Foshan Alforu Technology Co.,Ltd